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88. Tasmania -- Fiji Archipelago. London: Edward Stanford, 55 Charing Cross, S.W. Stanford's Geogl. Estabt.David RumseyImage Fiji
Ensenada de la Esmeralda.David RumseyImage
III. Vue de la grande place de Mexico, 7.David RumseyImage
Newsmap. (War front near Florence, Italy. Guam, Agiguwant, Tinian and Saipan. Pacific Island Groups). Monday, July 31, 1944. ... Vol. III No. 15F. Prepared and Distributed by the Army Information Branch, Army Service Forces. Navy Distribution by Educational Services Section, BuPers, Navy Dept., Washington D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office: 1944 - 591000.David RumseyImage
XLVI. Peintures hieroglyphiques tirees du manuscrit mexicain conserve a la bibliotheque imperiale de Vienne, No. I, 267..David RumseyImage
Plano de la Ria del Barquero, y Estaca de Vares : Situado el Cabo de este nombre ... Levantado por el Brigadier de la Rl. Armada D. Vicente Tofino de S. Miguel. Ano de 1787. Bauza delineo. Vazquez lo grabo. (to accompany) Atlas maritimo de Espana : Madrid MDCCLXXXIX (1789).David RumseyImage
Map of territory of Hawaii. Published by Geo. F. Cram, Chicago, Ill. (with) Honolulu. (with) Midway Islands (Western Hawaiian Chain). (with) Minor U.S. possessions in the Pacific Ocean. Compiled from the latest surveys by Eugene Murray Aaron. George F. Cram, engraver & publisher, Chicago, Ill. (1901?)David RumseyImage Guam Hawaiʻi
Carta Esferica de la Costa de las Asturias : desde Punta Calderon hasta Punta de Mugeres ... Y Construida por el Brigadier de la Rl. Armada D. Vicente Tofino de S. Miguel. Ano de 1788. (to accompany) Atlas maritimo de Espana : Madrid MDCCLXXXIX (1789).David RumseyImage
XXXIX. Vases de granit, trouves sur la cote de Honduras, 238.David RumseyImage
Ensena. de Unare.David RumseyImage
Plano del Pto. Morante.David RumseyImage
Bahia Honda.David RumseyImage
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