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Scolopsis bilineatus (Bridled Bream) during the 2017 South West Pacific Expedition.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Online
Premier's Trip to the Pacific Islands.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Online
[The lone cypress]Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Online
Megaptera novaeangliae (Humpback Whale) at Yagasa Lagoon, Fiji during the 2017 South West Pacific Expedition.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Fiji Online
Crew members of the RV Braveheart bring in a deep sea fish trap for scientists at Hunter Island, New Caledonia during the 2017 South West Pacific Expedition.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage New Caledonia Online
Alcyonacea (Soft Coral) polyps Vautoa Ono Reef, Fiji during the 2017 South West Pacific Expedition.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Fiji Online
Spirobranchus sp. (Christmas Tree Worms) at Ono-i-Lau Island, Fiji during the 2017 South West Pacific Expedition.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Fiji Online
Megaptera novaeangliae (Humpback Whale) at Tuvana-i-ra, Fiji during the 2017 South West Pacific Expedition.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Fiji Online
Pseudocaranx dentex (Thicklipped Jack) rides the nose of Triaenodon obesus (Whitetip Reef Shark) at North Minerva Reef, Tonga during the 2017 South West Pacific Expedition.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Online
Trimma nasa at Namuka Island, Fiji during the 2017 South West Pacific Expedition.Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Fiji Online
[Cypress trees - Point Lobos, Carmel-by-the-Sea]Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Online
Jim Knox being welcomed. Pacific Trades Union Conference, Ōrākei MaraeAuckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga HiraImage Online
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