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Topographic map of the island of Guam, Mariana Islands / U.S. Army, Army Map Service ; U.S. Geological SurveyUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
Pacific Ocean, islands and anchorages in the Marshall Islands / published at the Admiralty 14th Aug. 1931University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
National trails system map and guide : [United States] / National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior ; Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior ; Forest Service, U.S. Department of AgricultureUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
Post route map of the territory of Hawaii, Samoan Islands and the Island of Guam : showing post offices with the intermediate distances on mail routes in operation on the 1st of June, 1906 / published by order of Postmaster General Geo. B. CortelyouUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Hawaiʻi
Pacific Ocean, islands and anchorages in the Marshall Islands / published at the Admiralty 14th Aug. 1931.University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
Karta ostrovovʺ Pelevskikh ili Palao po obsli︠e︡dovanīi︠u︡ Kapitana Knorra Germanskago voennago sudna Gerta vʺ 1876 g dopolnenago osmotrom Dzhona M-ak Kli︠u︡ra vʺ 1795-94 godakh i promi︠e︡rom ėskadry Kontrʺ Admirala Kopytova vʺ 1885 godu / Izdana Gidrograficheskimʺ D-tom M-ago M-stva vʺ 1885 godu ; Kopirovalʺ khimich. tushʹi︠u︡ S. Nikolaevʺ ; Korrektirovalʺ Bri︠a︡nt︠s︡evʺ ; Svi︠e︡ri︠a︡lʺ Poruchikʺ Grigorʹevʺ ; Pechatano sʺ kamni︠a︡ pri Gidrografich. D-ti︠e︡ vʺ 1885 g; Карта острововъ Пелевскихъ или Палао по обслѣдованію Капитана Кнорра Германскаго военнаго судна Герта въ 1876 г дополненаго осмотромъ Джона М-ак Клюра въ 1795-94 годахъ и промѣромъ эскадры Контръ Адмирала Копытова въ 1885 году / Издана Гидрографическимъ Д-томъ М-аго М-ства въ 1885 году ; Копировалъ химич. тушью С. Николаевъ ; Корректировалъ Брянцевъ ; Свѣрялъ Поручикъ Григорьевъ ; Печатано съ камня при Гидрографич. Д-тѣ въ 1885 гUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Palau
Carta hydrographica y chorographica de las yslas Filipinas dedicada al rey ... / hecho por ... Pedro Murillo Velarde...University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands / compiled for Hawaii Promotion CommitteeUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Hawaiʻi
North Pacific Ocean, Sandwich Islands / chiefly from a trigonometrical survey in progress by the Hawaiian government to 1885 with corrections and additions to 1903 ; published at the Admiralty 9th April 1881 ; Engraved by Edwd. Weller.University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Hawaiʻi
Hawaiian Islands / published at Washington, D.C. September 1900 by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Henry S. Pritchett, SuperintendentUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Hawaiʻi
Maui, Hawaiian IslandsUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Hawaiʻi
Heraldic map of the United States of America. / Research and direction by Conrad Swan ... and J. C. G. George ... with art work and scrivening by Norman Manwaring...University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
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