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Polynesian Groups (composed of) Fiji, Viti, Islands; Sandwich, Hawaii, Islands; Samoa or Navigator Islands. South Polar Regions. (with) Kerguelen Island. (with) Victoria Land. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1895)David RumseyImage Fiji Samoa
Rand, McNally & Company's indexed atlas of the world map of Oceania and Malaysia. (with) New Caledonia and Loyalty Islands. (with) Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. Copyright 1892, by Rand, McNally & Co. ... Engravers, Chicago, (1897)David RumseyImage New Caledonia
Polynesia, or Islands of the Pacific Ocean. Letts's popular atlas. Letts, Son & Co. Limited, London. (1883)David RumseyImage Fiji Marshall Islands
Carte Particuliere de La Polynesie (parties orientale dt septentrionale et l'Oceanie). Dresse par A. Brue, Geographe. Reoue par E. Levasseur, Membre de l'Institut, Institut Geographique de Paris. Ch. Delagrave & Cie. Editeurs de la Societe de Geographie. 58 Rue des Ecoles. Atlas Universel en 67 feuilles No. 51.David RumseyImage Marshall Islands New Caledonia
Colonies Françaises (Océanie) Iles de la Société -- Nle. Calédonie. Imp. Ad. Mertens, Paris-Bruxelles.David RumseyImage New Caledonia
Colton's Hawaiian Group or Sandwich Islands. New Zealand. Viti Group or Feejee Islands. Tonga or Friendly Is. Samoan or Navigators Is. Society Islands. Marquesas or Washington Is. Galapagos Islands. Surveyed by the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1839-1841. Published By G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 172 William St. New York.David RumseyImage Fiji Hawaiʻi Marquesas / Te Henua Enana Samoa
Colton's Hawaiian Group or Sandwich Islands. New Zealand. Viti Group or Feejee (Fiji) Islands. Tonga or Friendly Is. Samon or Navigators Is. Society Islands. Marquesas or Washington Is. Calapacos Islands. Surveyed by the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1839-1841. Published By G. W & C. B. Colton & Co. No. 172 William St. New York.David RumseyImage Fiji Hawaiʻi Marquesas / Te Henua Enana Samoa
Carte de la Nouvelle Caledonie.David RumseyImage New Caledonia
Colton's Hawaiian Group or Sandwich Islands. New Zealand. Viti Group or Feejee (Fiji) Islands. Tonga or Friendly Is., Samoan or Navigators Is. Society Islands. Marquesas or Washington Is. Galapagos Islands. Surveyed by the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1839-1841. Published By G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 182 William St. New York.David RumseyImage Fiji Hawaiʻi Marquesas / Te Henua Enana Samoa
Wakes Island ; Vatoa or Turtle Island and Vuata Vatoa ; Taloo Harbour, Island of EimeoBoston Public LibraryImage Fiji
Your fare day.Duke University LibrariesImage Fiji Hawaiʻi
They do things in a big way in Australia. Consider this pebble, for example.Duke University LibrariesImage Fiji Samoa
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