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Maps - Lexical variation, flora and fauna - flower species

Hand annotated maps of Fiji marking lexical variation of flowers around the islands and two pages of notes. 61 maps: no title - first word wa, derris trifolata, derris malaccensis, brasiliensis convolvula, ipomoea gracilis, ipomoea cairica, ipomoea indica, ipomoea tuba, operculina turpethum, ipomoea aquatica, vigna marina, canavalia rosea, canavalia sericea, Dueraria lobata (Fabaceae), hoya australis asclepiadaceae, cassyma filiformus, caesalpiara bonduc major, Tridax procumbens, Abrus precatorus/leguminos, lagenaria vulgaris, mikania microntha, merremia peltata, Dalbergia, Rufus noluccanus, smilax, no title - first word wapukupuku, Jasminum didymum, ventilago vitiensis, Gynochthodes oralifolia, mucuna gigante plantyphylla, droclea violacea, storckii urvilleana, lygodium reticulatum, lygodium reticulatum, Entada phaseoloides, no title - first word i cibi, steriochlaeria palustris, title illegible - first word tavatavasa, title illegible - first word qanuya, no title - second word waqaqawa (first word crossed out), indicus amboinicus, progostemon cablin, no title - first word borowa, Epipremnum pinnatum, Passiflora maliformis, Piper betle, Alyxia Apocynac, no title - first word vonobuli, Flagellaria indica, F. gigantea, Passiflora quadragularis, P. maliformis, Passiflora laurifolia, Passiflora foetida, clitoria ternatea leguminos, title cut off - first word wakau, no title - first word waloa, Momordica charantia, Cantrosema pubescens, title illegible - first word wavudi, title illegible - first word kinkaba ni viti. Language as given: . You can access this item at the PARADISEC website. You will need to sign up or sign in first.
Paul Geraghty
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