San Cristoval Islands, New Hebrides, Santa Cruz Group, Ysabel Island, Malaita Island.
- Description:
- Playing time in minutes. -- Transcribed from Buenas Nuevas Gospel Recordings. -- Side 1: -- San Cristoval Islands 1-14. -- Arosi Mareho (dialect): The Ten Virgins, The Two Births, The Rich Man and Lazarus, The Resurrection. -- Bauro: Creation to Christ I, Creation to Christ II, The Resurrection (Although in tape notes, Resurrection story may be absent in recording), Noah, The Prodigal Son, The Wedding Feast. -- Parego: God's Command for his Children, The Two Births. -- Star Harbour: What is a Christian? Christ our Substitute. -- New Hebrides [Vanuatu]: -- Gaua (St Maria Is): Who is he? The Ten Virgins, Noah - Banks Is, Creation and Redemption - Banks Is. -- Merlava (Star Is): The Ten Virgins - Banks Is, Easter - Banks Is, Christ's Death and Resurrection - Banks Is, The Prodigal Son - Banks Is, The Healing of the Palsied Man I - Banks Is, The Healing of the Palsied Man II - Banks Is. -- Lamalanga: Christmas - Raga Is, The Resurrection - Raga Is. -- Raga (Lamalanga Is): The Prodigal Son (Although in tape notes, Prodigal Son story may be absent in recording in Lamalanga language) - Pentecost Is, The Ten Virgins - Pentecost Is, Creation to Christ I - Pentecost Is, Creation to Christ II - Pentecost Is. -- Motlav (Saddle Is.): Creation and Redemption - Banks Is, The Wedding Feast - Banks Is. -- Mota (Mota Is): The Wedding Feast - Banks Is, The Parable of the sower - Banks Is. -- Santa Cruz Group: -- Nambakenga: The Resurrection, The Trial and Crucifixion of Christ. -- Side 2: -- Navolopento: -- Who is he? The Resurrection. -- Ndeni: The Prodigal Son, Creation and Redemption, Chreation to Christ I, Creation to Christ II, Noah, The Ten Virgins. -- Nonivia: The Healing of the Palsied Man I, The Healing of the Palsied Man II. -- Tikopia (Tikopia Is): What the Christian believes I, What the Christian believes II, What the Christian believes III, What the Christian believes IV. -- Ysabel Island: -- Bugoto: The Prodigal Son, Barrabas, The Wedding Feast, Noah, The Ten Virgins, The Resurrection. -- Gao: The Dying Thief, The Two Masters. -- Hograno: Barrabas. -- Koakato: The Prodigal Son. -- Maringe: Christ's Death and Resurrection, Christmas, The Healing of the Palsied Man I, The Healing of the Palsied Man II, The Parable of the Sower, The Ten Virgins, The Resurrection, Creation and Redemption. -- Malaita Island (North): -- Toabaita: The Lord's Day, Christ in You, Words about Heaven. Notes on languages: 432-A AROSI MOUNT MAREHO DIALECT HOREHO DIALECT BAURO PAREGO Difficult to find information on this language, may be variant name for Tairaha, which Bauro may be also related to. STAR HARBOUR ? GAUA - GAWA MERELAVA ('Merlava' in tape notes). LAMALANGA RAGA MOTALAVA - MOTLAP ('Motlav' in tape notes). MOTA NAMBAKENGA - Difficult to find information on this language. KWAIKWAIO - Difficult to find information on this language. Kwarekwareo shows up as a language of Northern Malaita and so does Kwaio - perhaps a mispronunciation KOIO - Apparently a name interchangeable with Kwaio URU - Difficult to find information on this language. FAUTHARII - Possibly can also be identified as FATALEKA (dialects of same language) 432-B NAVLOPENTO NOT NAVOLO - Possibly commonly also known aa Nalögo. Difficult to find information about NONIVIA , apparently related to Äiwoo. HOGRANO - Apparently this as well as Maringa is a dialect of Cheke Holo No information found on KOAKATO (possibly this is KOKOTA language, from Isabel island). MARINGE - Now known as CHEKE HOLO. Language as given: Arosi, Bughotu, Bauro, Gao, Hano, Motlav, Merlav, Mota, Santa Cruz, Tikopia. You can access this item at the PARADISEC website. You will need to sign up or sign in first.
- Format:
- Sound
- Collections:
- Contributors:
- Arthur Capell
- Content partner:
- Availability:
- Not specified
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