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domestic and shellfish shells

Physical description: Domestic shells of different sizes, colours and species and one shellfish shell, 13 pieces. Mussel bark (a) is white inside and dark on the surface, but the surface layer is detached. Four of the domestic shells are caterpillars, the largest of which is (b) is white-based, dark spots and very shiny (Cypraea pantherina). The other three (c, d, e) are very similar in colour: the light gray background has a fine, dark brown texture and the surface is shiny. Four are bowling alley with a wide-threaded end and one end pointed. Two of these are white yellow stripes (f, (g), with blue-gray cloud or ice patterns in the smallest (h). One is red-blue-gray striped, rather than dreamed, with a wide head open (i). The patterning of a small, long-eyed, gray-peeled home is reminiscent of fish leather (j), a white-faced brown spotted bark resembling a roasted marshmallow (k), a brick red small shell in the shape of a trumpet (l) and the smallest is a saber-like and very prickly (m), apparently, some Lambis truncata home.
Finnish Heritage Agency
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Finnish Heritage Agency
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