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Tagata o te Moana for 14 April 2018

A woman and her son survived Fiji's treacherous floods this week floating on a bed as it rose to within inches of the ceiling in their home; The death toll from Fiji's two weeks of nightmare weather rose to ten this week after the body of a missing man was found in a river near the town of Tavua in northern Viti Levu; There is a furore in Australia over concerns China is aiming to make a huge wharf it has built at Luganville in Vanuatu a naval base; No help from authorities in Tahiti for a woman wronged by China's diplomatic mission; The Marshall Islands is on track to see a record number of women seeking court intervention in domestic violence cases; Pacific leaders elected to run for the Commonwealth Youth Council elections want more awareness of the opportunity in the region; The Pacific's "monumentous" 2018 Commonwealth Games looks set to continue on the Gold Coast, and; People have paid their last respects at the state funeral for former Samoan MP, Tuiloma Pule Lameko Gae'e in Samoa.
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