Morning report. 1997-11-06.
- Description:
- 0600 NEWS/SPORTS/WEATHER 0609 NZ NEWSPAPERS 0611 Māori NEWS 0616 NEWS STORY: COALITION - PM designate Jenny Shipley now has numbers to form minority govt if coalition splits, has support of 5 NZ First MPs holding Māori seats as well as minister Deborah Morris and Brian Donnelly, Jack Elder, and Peter McCardle. Comment from Deborah Morris and Brian Donnelly, and vox pops. (Clare Pasley) 0621 RUR...
- Display date:
- 1997
- Location:
- Cook Islands
- Format:
- Sound
- Collections:
- Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
- Contributors:
- RNZ Collection
- Content partner:
- Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
- Availability:
- Not online