TV3 NEWS. 30/07/2003
- Description:
- A 17 year old from Papua New Guinea has been given a chance of life from Ronald McDonald Charities after her insurance company stopped her funding for kidney dialysis. Radhika Lal (Dialysis Patient); Sarah Hood (Ronald McDonald House Charities). A Christchurch woman is outraged at the prospect of losing her job at the Inland Revenue Department for accessing her family's tax files, even thoug...
- Display date:
- 2003
- Location:
- New Zealand/Aotearoa
- Format:
- MovingImage
- Collections:
- Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
- Contributors:
- Production Company: TV3 NETWORK SERVICES
- Content partner:
- Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
- Availability:
- Not online