Wiin te kua kewe

Wiin te kua kewe. Porpoise teeth. This is a cluster of wiin te kua kewe. They are long in length with a cylindrical form where one end tapers into a short point and the other shows the blunt end of the root. The exposed part of the tooth are off-white in colour with a polished texture. The root part is matte in texture and pale brown and white in colour. A circular perforation has been drilled into the blunt root end where a two-ply kora (coco...
Display date:
Made: Pre 1940; Acquired: Circa 1940
Gilbert Islands
Auckland Museum Collections Online
Content partner:
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Not specified
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Auckland Museum Collections
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira