Te ainoko
- Description:
- Te ainoko. Covered basket. This is a lided basket. It is rectangular in form. It is made of four material components: te ira (pandanus leaf), te kora (coconut sennit cordage), te noko (coconut midrib) and te bura (monetaria annulus; cowrie shell) with the additional use of an off-white string. Te noko makes up the structural walls that provide the rectangular form of te nokonoko. Strips of te ira has been woven across the noko to create covera...
- Display date:
- Made: Circa 1940; Acquired: Circa 2005
- Location:
- Pacific
- Collections:
- Auckland Museum Collections Online
- Content partner:
- Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
- Availability:
- Not specified