I'o 'ava

I'o 'ava. Kava root. 'Ava (kava) is the general name for the entire plant, its powdered form, as well as the beverage. I'o 'ava refers to the 'ava root in its entirety before it has been separated into smaller pieces or ground into powder form. 'Ava is ground into a powder and mixed with water to make a beverage which can be served both informally and during the formal gatherings. 'Ava is usually served during the 'ava ceremony and at other im...
Display date:
Acquired: Circa 1984
Auckland Museum Collections Online
Content partner:
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Not specified
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Auckland Museum Collections
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira