i Wau Waka

i Wau Waka. Rootstock club. Carved from a single piece of kau (wood), with the liga ni wau (handle of the club) round in cross-section. The ulu ni wau (head of the club) is formed from a rootstock with protrustions around the sides, and at the centre top, of the ulu ni wau. Lawa ni wau (woven decoration) consisting of fine braids of magimagi (coconut sennit), are wrapped around the upper area of the tolo ni wau (body of the club). Tavatava (sh...
Display date:
Made: Pre 1938
Auckland Museum Collections Online
Content partner:
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira
Not specified
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Auckland Museum Collections
Auckland War Memorial Museum Tāmaki Paenga Hira