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Pacific Islands - Cook Islands - Rarotonga - Religion

The Nikao, Cook Island, Christian Church February 1974, Cook Islands
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Cook Islands
National Publicity Studios black and white file prints
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Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
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Good Old Days

By Arona Ngari | Rarotonga | 21 Apr 2024

Typical Sunday morning service where the people of Nikao congregate at the newly built Cook Islands Christian Church in Tepuka, Nikao. This church replaces the old one closer to the beach about 4km to the east to cater for the newly built International airport that was opened in 1974 by Queen Elizabeth from England. I recognize Puroku Sadaraka Jnr in the striped shirt, Araipu Vakai on the other end of that seat, looks like Ewyn Henry with the smile in the pareu shirt. I can just make out Mama Toka Vakai who is second from the right of those ladies with hats. Photo is a bit blurred to identify the others. The good old days.

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National Publicity Studios black and white file prints
Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga
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