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Southern Pacific advertisement for traveling along the Pacific Coast

Photograph of a Southern Pacific advertisement for traveling along the Pacific Coast, [s.d.]. A drawing at left can be seen of a man wearing a suit and hat standing next to a woman. The man is pointing at a map of United States railroad routes while a young girl can be seen to the right of the woman holding a map or pamphlet in her hands. An etc... CaliforniaUSA
Digital Public Library of America
California Historical Society
University of Southern California. Libraries
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California Historical Society
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    Doheny Memorial Library, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0189 Public Domain. Release under the CC BY Attribution license-- both “University of Southern California. Libraries” and “California Historical Society” as the source. Digitally reproduced by the USC Digital Library; From the California Historical Society Collection at the University of Southern California Send requests to address or e-mail given USC Libraries Special Collections

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