Korean War veteran and retired U.S. airman Ronald J. Davis watches from the steps of the Panmunjom Freedom House as a repatriation ceremony begins for the remains of what is believed to be five U.S. soldiers killed in the Korean War. A delegation of United Nations Command Military Armistice Commission (UNCMAC) officials received the remains from North Korean officials during the eighth repatriation ceremony held since joint search and recovery operations began in Korea in 1996. The five sets of remains brings the total returned to 19. Kim Yong-kyu, a spokesman for the U.N. command said the remains were recovered from Gaechon City, about 50 miles north of Pyongyang. The U.S. 2nd Infantry...
- Description:
- The original finding aid described this photograph as: [Complete] Scene Caption: Korean War veteran and retired U.S. airman Ronald J. Davis watches from the steps of the Panmunjom Freedom House as a repatriation ceremony begins for the remains of what is believed to be five U.S. soldiers killed in the Korean War. A delegation of United Nations C...
- Display date:
- 1998-10-09
- Format:
- image
- Collections:
- Digital Public Library of America
- Contributors:
- National Archives at College Park - Still Pictures
- Content partner:
- National Archives at College Park - Still Pictures
- Availability:
- Not specified
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