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More about this image at Alexander Turnbull Library C6ED1FCD-CD72-4643-8B37-1933F1DA8BE3

Various artists :[Poulaho, King of the Friendly Islands; Otago chief of Amsterdam Island; and two other portraits. 1773-1777. Plate] 79.

Shows two paints of portraits, each of the four taken from different sources, including works by John Webber and William Hodges. Upper left shows Fatafehi Poulaho wearing a fan-shaped feathered headdress. Beside him at top right is a man with bare sholders and a cloth wrapped around his torso. At lower left is a reproduction if Hodges' "Otago, chief of Amsterdam Island (Tongatabu), and beside h...
Display date:
1777 - 1810 - 1830
Content partner:
Alexander Turnbull Library
Not specified
  • Unknown
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