Russian Federated Navy (RFN) Sailors and Marines participate in a emergency medical training exercise while deployed at Santa Rita Naval Base, Guam (GU), during a joint humanitarian assistance, disaster relief exercise. RFN ships are participating in Passing Exercise 2006 (PASSEX 06) with USN ships off the coast of Guam. The Exercise is designed to increase interoperability between the two navies while enhancing the strong cooperative relationship between Russia and the US
- Description:
- The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Naval Base, Santa Rita State: Guam (GU) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PH2 Edward N. Vasquez, USN Release Status: Released to Public
- Display date:
- 2006-03-31
- Format:
- image
- Collections:
- Digital Public Library of America
- Contributors:
- National Archives at College Park - Still Pictures
- Content partner:
- National Archives at College Park - Still Pictures
- Availability:
- Not specified
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