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Los Angeles Public Library has this to say about the rights status of this item:
Images available for reproduction and educational use. Please see the Ordering & Use page at for additional information. The contents of this collection are restricted to personal, research, and non-commercial use. The Library cannot share the personal and/or contact information of the donors, their descendants, or associates who contributed photographs and oral histories to the collection.
What can I do with this item?
Non-infringing use
NZ copyright law does not prevent every use of a copyright work, and this item may be hosted by an international institute or organisation. You should consider what you can and cannot do with a copyright work.
No sharing
You may not copy and/or share this item with others without further permission. This includes posting it on your blog, using it in a presentation, or any other public use.
No modifying
You are not allowed to adapt or remix this item into any other works.
No commercial use
You may not use this item commercially.