More information
University of Michigan. Libraries has this to say about the rights status of this item:
The University of Michigan Library provides access to these materials for educational and research purposes. These materials may be under copyright. If you decide to use any of these materials, you are responsible for making your own legal assessment and securing any necessary permission. If you have questions about the collection, contact the UMMZ Mollusks Division professional staff: If you have concerns about the inclusion of an item in this collection, please contact Library Information Technology:
What can I do with this item?
Non-infringing use
NZ copyright law does not prevent every use of a copyright work, and this item may be hosted by an international institute or organisation. You should consider what you can and cannot do with a copyright work.
No sharing
You may not copy and/or share this item with others without further permission. This includes posting it on your blog, using it in a presentation, or any other public use.
No modifying
You are not allowed to adapt or remix this item into any other works.
No commercial use
You may not use this item commercially.