Explore and reconnect with items and images from Tuamotu Archipelago.
Showing 85 items from Tuamotu Archipelago
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Raroia: Happy Island of the South Seas, Bengt Danielsson (Rand McNally, 1952)Te Puna Vai Marama Cook Islands Centre for ResearchText Tuamotu Archipelago Not online
New Marine ΔR values for the South Pacific subtropical gyre regionUniversity of WaikatoText New Caledonia Tuamotu Archipelago
New Zealand Representatives at the International Court of Justice in the HagueManatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and HeritageImage Tuamotu Archipelago
New Zealand Representatives at the International Court of Justice in the HagueManatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and HeritageImage Tuamotu Archipelago
The cannibal chief, or, The mountain guideNorthern Illinois UniversityText Tuamotu Archipelago
'Frisco Frank's rival, or, The gold cave of Death ValleyNorthern Illinois UniversityText Tuamotu Archipelago
The cannibal chief, or, The mountain guideNorthern Illinois UniversityText Tuamotu Archipelago
[Wallis, Samuel] 1728-1795 :[Boscawen's Island, Tafahi, Tonga. 13 August 1767]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Polynesia Tonga Tuamotu Archipelago
[Wallis, Samuel] 1728-1795 :[Lord Howe's Island or Maupihaa (Mopelia), Leeward Islands. 30 July 1767]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Polynesia Tuamotu Archipelago
[Wallis, Samuel] 1728-1795 :[Queen Charlotte Island. 10 June 1767]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Polynesia Tuamotu Archipelago
[Wallis, Samuel] 1728-1795 :[Prince William Henry's Islands or Nengonengo, Tuamotu Archipelago. 13 June 1767]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Polynesia Tuamotu Archipelago
[Wallis, Samuel] 1728-1795 :Duke of Yorks Island [27 July 1767]Alexander Turnbull LibraryImage Polynesia Tuamotu Archipelago
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Tuamotu Archipelago
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