Talofa lava!
Ia sailiili ma toe soso’o atu i aitema ma ata mai Samoa
Showing 28783 items from Samoa
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Palm trees and fales. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Children standing in a bay. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Lake Lanoto'o. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Above the Falefa Fall. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Steam billowing from the ocean. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Chief's house at Lotopa. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Knife dance performance. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Portrait of a man and woman. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Banyan tree. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Portrait of Pa'u Taupou of Apia. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Bay with fale and palm trees. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
Fans, canoes and tools laid out. From the album: Photographs of Apia, SamoaMuseum of New Zealand Te Papa TongarewaImage Samoa
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