Explore and reconnect with records from Easter Island / Rapa Nui.
Showing 690 items from Easter Island / Rapa Nui
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Carved objects and hookHocken Collections - Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of OtagoImage Easter Island / Rapa Nui
Range of wooden cultural objectsHocken Collections - Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of OtagoImage Easter Island / Rapa Nui
One and two piece fish hooksHocken Collections - Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of OtagoImage Easter Island / Rapa Nui
Range of shell pendants and obsidian piecesHocken Collections - Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of OtagoImage Easter Island / Rapa Nui
Carved wooden figurines in a range of stylesHocken Collections - Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of OtagoImage Easter Island / Rapa Nui
Long narrow paddle shaped wooden objects with carved figurine headed endsHocken Collections - Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of OtagoImage Easter Island / Rapa Nui
(Post)colonial Indigenous Anglophone Fiction of the Pacific IslandsUniversity of OtagoText Easter Island / Rapa Nui Papua New Guinea
Rapa Nui theatre: staging indigenous identities in Easter IslandUniversity of OtagoText Easter Island / Rapa Nui
The Pacific Rat Race to Easter Island: Tracking the Prehistoric Dispersal of Rattus exulans Using Ancient Mitochondrial GenomesUniversity of OtagoText Polynesia Easter Island / Rapa Nui
Tablet KeitiHocken Collections - Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of OtagoImage Easter Island / Rapa Nui
The performance of memory in Rapanui theatreUniversity of Canterbury LibraryText Easter Island / Rapa Nui
Map of the South Pacific region.FigShareImage American Samoa Easter Island / Rapa Nui
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Easter Island / Rapa Nui
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