Viking Sevenseas
We offer a collection of sheet music, books, and CDs featuring New Zealand, Māori, and Pacifica music. Our collection includes both traditional and contemporary songs from around the Pacific.
Showing 894 items from Viking Sevenseas
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Marshallese Christmas (Song No. 1)Viking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
The Carpenter Song - Marshallese Nonsense SongViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Tele Ia Ole Sami - Samoan SongViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Ai Batira - Gilbertese SongViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Ailun Im Al - Island of Song - Majuro AtollViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Marshallese Easter SongViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Marshallese Christmas (Song No. 2)Viking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Al Im Trum - Song of the DrumViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Tongan Song - Recorded on KwajaleinViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Old Language Gilbertese ChantViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Marshallese Hymn - Rita Village, MajuroViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
Teribaro - Gilbertese Love SongViking SevenseasVideo Micronesia Marshall Islands
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Viking Sevenseas
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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The names, terms, and labels that we present on the site may contain images or voices of deceased persons and may also reflect the bias, norms, and perspective of the period of time in which they were created. We accept that these may not be appropriate today.
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