University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
AGSL Digital Photo Archive - Oceania presents images from the holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library. The selection focuses on the countries of Oceania.
Showing 1180 items from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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Papua New Guinea, Asaro mudmen resting by fireUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, people on boat and pier at Vailala RiverUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
British & German New GuineaUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, people at oil wellUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, Map of New GuineaUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, woman carrying child in villageUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, children sitting by fire in villageUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, women doing laundry on deck of stilt houseUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
Kaart van Nieuw Holland, Nieuw Guinea, en omliggende eilanden, behoorende tot de, door het provinciaal utrechisch genootschap bekroondeVerhandeling / van R.G. Bennet en J. van Wyk RzUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
Sydney Austrailia [Motion Picture Film]University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeVideo Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, small childUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea, portrait of tattooed womanUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Papua New Guinea
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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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