University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
AGSL Digital Photo Archive - Oceania presents images from the holdings of the American Geographical Society (AGS) Library. The selection focuses on the countries of Oceania.
Showing 1180 items from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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Post route map of the territory of Hawaii, Samoa Islands, and the Island of Guam : showing post offices with the intermediate distances of mail routes ; August 1, 1938 / published by order of Postmaster General James A. FarleyUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Hawaiʻi
United States system of numbered highways : adopted for uniform marking by the American Association of state highway officials together with the Federal Aid Highway System approved with the act of November 9, 1921 and subsequent amendments thereto / U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Public RoadsUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
Guam, men and cars near 'Pan American World Airways' officesUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Guam
Guam, latte stonesUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Guam
Guam, view of beach and waterfront buildingsUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Guam
Guam, military officers gathered on pierUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Guam
Guam, tree with gnarled rootsUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Guam
Guam, destruction of palm trees caused by 1940 typhoonUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Guam
Northern Mariana Islands, Bird Island in SaipanUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage Northern Marianas
Honolulu, buildings and palms along Ala Wai BoulevardUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
Honolulu, aerial view of Pearl HarborUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
Heraldic map of the United States of America. / Research and direction by Conrad Swan ... and J. C. G. George ... with art work and scrivening by Norman Manwaring...University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeImage
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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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