University of Southern California Digital Library
Our collections span from a wide range of visual media, drawings, manuscripts, and rare illustrated books and particular emphasis on materials from Los Angeles, Southern California, Western United States, and the Pacific Rim.
Showing 1941 items from University of Southern California Digital Library
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PEMS missionaries present in Tahiti, January 1939University of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
View on Moorea island from TahitiUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage
A nacreous oyster with coralUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
View on the village of Uturoa and on the lagoon, from the heights of Raiatea islandUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage
Inauguration of a church in Rapa islandUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage
A class of the pre-school of PapeeteUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
The port of Papeete, TahitiUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
A lunch in Tahaa islandUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage
DancersUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
Mister Ah-Fen, a Chinese shopkeeperUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
Pupils of the Protestant school of PapeeteUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
Weighing of nacreous oystersUniversity of Southern California Digital LibraryImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
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University of Southern California Digital Library
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