University of Michigan
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Showing 671 items from University of Michigan
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Epidemiology and Cancer Registries in the Pacific Basin : [a conference held in Maui, Hawaii, November 11-14, 1975]University of MichiganText Hawaiʻi
Domestic satellite rate integration of Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico [microform] : hearing before the Subcommittee on Communications of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, first session on S. Res. 318 ... December 9, 1975University of MichiganText Hawaiʻi
Report of the Division of ForestryUniversity of MichiganText
Botanical bulletinUniversity of MichiganText
Ka Mooolelo Hawaii Histoire de l'archipel havaiien (iles Sandwich); texte et traduction précédés d'une introduction sur l'état physique, moral et politique du paysUniversity of MichiganText Hawaiʻi
Dosimetry, tolerance, and shelf life extension related to disinfestation of fruits and vegetables by gamma irradiationUniversity of MichiganText
Fauna hawaiiensisUniversity of MichiganText Hawaiʻi
Fauna hawaiiensisUniversity of MichiganText Hawaiʻi
The Hawaiian Islands and people A lecture delivered at the U.S. National Museum, under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institution and of the Anthropological and Biological Societies of Washington, February 9th, 1884University of MichiganText Hawaiʻi
Tsunami-wave elevation frequency of occurrence for the Hawaiian Islands : final reportUniversity of MichiganText Hawaiʻi
Geographic information systems using CODES linked data (Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System)University of MichiganText
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University of Michigan
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