Showing 24 items from University of Delaware
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2614 - Apia-Samoa-From the Sea, Matautu Village, Apia2614 - Apia-Samoa-From the SeaUniversity of DelawareImage
2615 - Apia-Samoa-From the Sea2615 - Apia-Samoa-From the SeaUniversity of DelawareImage
High Chief Mauga Manuma of Pago Pago Village, c1885-1886Mauga, Head chief of the island of Tutuila, SamoaUniversity of DelawareImage
2617 - Apia-Samoa-From the Sea, Matafele Village, Apia. German DHPG firm, Deutsche Handels Und Plantagen Gesellschaft stores2617 - Apia-Samoa-From the SeaUniversity of DelawareImage
Fagatogo Village, Samoa, 1886Harbor of Pago Pago, U.S. coal pile at the leftUniversity of DelawareImage
Street in Apia, SamoaStreet in Apia, SamoaUniversity of DelawareImage
2612 - Apia-Samoa-From the Sea, Matautu Wharf peninsula2612 - Apia-Samoa-From the SeaUniversity of DelawareImage
Fiti, Maid of the Village at Apia SamoaFiti, Maid of the Village at Apia SamoaUniversity of DelawareImage
Capt. Hamilton's picnic to the officers of the U.S.S Mohican and the H.M.S. Miranda. Samoa, 1886Capt. Hamilton's picnic to the officers of the U.S.S Mohican and the H.M.S. Miranda. Samoa, 1886University of DelawareImage
2619 Apia-Samoa (large portion of image cut out)2619 Apia-SamoaUniversity of DelawareImage
2616 Apia-Samoa-From the Sea, Mulivai Village, Apia. British Consulate, Roman Catholic Cathedral and Mt. Vaea2616 Apia-Samoa-From the SeaUniversity of DelawareImage
High Chief Asi of Apia Village, Samoa c1885-1886Samoan chief, AsiUniversity of DelawareImage
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University of Delaware
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