UC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library
Showing 6 items from UC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library
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My Honolulu lady / words and music by Lee JohnsonUC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music LibraryImage
My Honolulu queen / words by Jas. O'Dea ; music by William H. PennUC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music LibraryImage
Hawaii ponoi / words by King Kalakaua ; music by H. BergerUC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music LibraryImage Hawaiʻi
Aloha oe : song and chorus / composed by H.R.H. LiliuokalaniUC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music LibraryImage
Kalakaua march / composed by L. BödeckerUC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music LibraryImage
Ka wai mapuna : song and chorus / composed by Her Royal Highness Princess LiliuokalaniUC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music LibraryImage
UC Berkeley, Jean Gray Hargrove Music Library
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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