Showing 50 items from Princeton University
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Franc. Sanctii Brocensis in inclyta Salmanticensi academia primarii rhetorices & Graecae linguae doctoris Minerva, seu, de causis linguae Latinae commentariusPrinceton UniversityText
Vie du Vénérable P.M.L. Chanel, Prêtre de la Société de Marie, Provicaire Apostolique et premier martyr de l'OcéaniePrinceton UniversityText 'Uvea mo Futuna
Rapa-Nui : romanPrinceton UniversityText
Malpelo, Cocos, and Easter IslandsPrinceton UniversityText Easter Island / Rapa Nui
Ein Jahrzehnt in Samoa (1906-1916)Princeton UniversityText Samoa
Südseemärchen aus Australien, Neu-Guinea, Fidji, Karolinen, Samoa, Tonga, Hawaii, Neu-Seeland u.a.Princeton UniversityText
British New Guinea (Papua)Princeton UniversityText Papua New Guinea
British New Guinea Report on British New Guinea, from data and notes by the late Sir Peter Scratchley, Her Majesty's special commissionerPrinceton UniversityText Papua New Guinea
Annual report on British New Guinea from ... with appendices, presented to both Houses of Parliament by commandPrinceton UniversityText Papua New Guinea
Mandat pour les possessions allemandes de l'Océan pacifique, situées au sud de l'équateur, autres que le Samoa allemand et Nauru...Princeton UniversityText
History of the Spanish-American War : with handy atlas maps and full description of recently acquired United States territory ; events of the war chronologically arranged ; containing the latest maps of Philippines, Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Alaska and the worldPrinceton UniversityText Hawaiʻi
Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii Draft submitted to the Constitutional Convention by the Executive CouncilPrinceton UniversityText Hawaiʻi
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Princeton University
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