Pacific Community
Our collection includes almost 100,000 records, containing books, periodicals, sound
recordings, videos, tapes, microfilms, CDs, CD-ROMs and digital documents. These are in English, French and many Pacific languages.
Showing 7768 items from Pacific Community
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Les gastéropodes venimeux de la famille des conidés rencontrés en Nouvelle-CalédoniePacific CommunityText
Standardized CPUE of Central and Western Pacific Bigeye Tuna From Taiwanese Tuna Longline FisheriesPacific CommunityText
La fabrication d'ensilage de poissonPacific CommunityText
Selling and marketing fish in the Solomon IslandsPacific CommunityText
The ecosystem approach to coastal fisheries and aquaculture in Pacific Island countries and territories [Booklet version]Pacific CommunityText
Le potentiel halieutique de l'atoll d'Ouvéa : condensé des travaux réalisés par l'Orstom de 1991 à 1994Pacific CommunityText
Swordfish opportunity for Pacific Island countries and territories: How to dress swordfish for the US MarketPacific CommunityText
Le napoléon et la pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementéePacific CommunityText
Modifications des ressources des récifs coralliens aux Samoas Americaines : le point de vue des populations localesPacific CommunityText
Poverty in paradise? Issues in poverty and development in Fijian fishing villagesPacific CommunityText
Linking global certification schemes and local practices in fisheries and aquaculturePacific CommunityText
Fish silage: A place in the Pacific?Pacific CommunityText
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Pacific Community
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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