Pacific Community
Our collection includes almost 100,000 records, containing books, periodicals, sound
recordings, videos, tapes, microfilms, CDs, CD-ROMs and digital documents. These are in English, French and many Pacific languages.
Showing 7768 items from Pacific Community
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Quarterly report, 2nd quarter 2005, PIEPSAP project report 27, 30 June 2005Pacific CommunityText
Cook Islands, Penrhyn Atoll - Multibeam Mapping ReportPacific CommunityText
Small format camera operations and applications in the South Pacific, April 1992Pacific CommunityText
EVI country profile review; Greece, September 2003Pacific CommunityText
A summary of hydrocarbon exploration and production licensing terms in SOPAC Member Countries, July 1993Pacific CommunityText
SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals Project proceedings of the Niue national deep sea minerals stakeholder consultation workshop sports club, Niue 3 April 2012Pacific CommunityText
Western Samoa offshore survey (including transit Suva to Western Samoa), 20 July - 11 August 1977Pacific CommunityText
Fourth IDNDR Pacific regional disaster management meeting, Edgewater resort conference centre, Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 18 - 20 September 1995Pacific CommunityText
Remote sensing investigations for South Pacific coastal zone studies, January 1992Pacific CommunityText
Kiribati technical report, economic analysis of aggregate mining on Tarawa, March 2007Pacific CommunityText
Data compilation for Nuku'alofa earthquake microzoning and proposed vulnerability studies, 6-13 July 1996Pacific CommunityText
Marshall Islands & FSM, 1997, Deepsea Mineral Resources Survey (MBES) Bathymetry DatasetPacific CommunityText
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Pacific Community
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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