Pacific Community
Our collection includes almost 100,000 records, containing books, periodicals, sound
recordings, videos, tapes, microfilms, CDs, CD-ROMs and digital documents. These are in English, French and many Pacific languages.
Showing 7768 items from Pacific Community
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The status of reef invertebrate resources and recommendations for management at TokelauPacific CommunityText
La pêche des holothuries et gestion de la ressource dans la province occidentale de Papouasie-Nouvelle-GuinéePacific CommunityText
Epi Island trochus and sea cucumber resource status and recommendations for managementPacific CommunityText
Surveiller la chaîne d'exploitation pour réduire la mortalité différée du poisson pris au filet et destiné au commerce d'aquariophiliePacific CommunityText
Status of tuna stocksPacific CommunityText
Capture section report of technical assistance to the New Caledonian tuna longline fishing company, Navimon, 19 August-23 December 1996 /Pacific CommunityText
Importance des proies récifales dans l’alimentation des thons et des grands pélagiques dans le Pacifique centre-ouestPacific CommunityText
The Banggai cardinalfish: An overview of conservation challengesPacific CommunityText
System of verification of the code of good practices on board ANABAC and OPAGAC tuna purse seiners and preliminary results for the Atlantic OceanPacific CommunityText
An oral account of overfishing and habitat destruction at Pororan Island, Papua New GuineaPacific CommunityText
Utilisation des larves de poissons de récifs coralliens : synthèse des travaux menés en Polynésie françaisePacific CommunityText
Some hypotheses on the skipjack resources of the Pacific oceanPacific CommunityText
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Pacific Community
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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