Pacific Community
Our collection includes almost 100,000 records, containing books, periodicals, sound
recordings, videos, tapes, microfilms, CDs, CD-ROMs and digital documents. These are in English, French and many Pacific languages.
Showing 7768 items from Pacific Community
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Atelier relatif à la situation et à la protection du napoléonPacific CommunityText
Beche-de-mer production from three Papua New Guinean atolls between 1982 and 1983.Pacific CommunityText
Wallis et Futuna - Rapport de pays : profils et résultats des enquêtes réalisées à Vailala, Halalo, Leava et Vele (août-décembre 2005 et mars 2006)Pacific CommunityText
Observer coverage rates and the accuracy and reliability of estimates of CPUE for offshore longline fleets targeting South Pacific albacorePacific CommunityText
Report of the ongoing tagging projection on tropical tunas in the Southern part of JapanPacific CommunityText
Enquêtes socioéconomiques sur la pêche dans les pays insulaires du Pacifique : Manuel pour la collecte d'ensembles minimums de donnéesPacific CommunityText
Ecologie de la pêche de la crevette banane Penaeus merguiensis dans le Golfe de Papouasie : estimation de la production maximale et observations sur l'évolution de la densitéPacific CommunityText
A three-year project on sea cucumbers in the south-western Indian Ocean: National and regional analyses to improve managementPacific CommunityText
Latest type of FAD used in French PolynesiaPacific CommunityText
Reproduction sexuée de Stichopus chloronotus, holothurie scissipare, à La Réunion (océan Indien)Pacific CommunityText
Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in West New Britain, Papua New Guinea 5 September - 14 December 1979Pacific CommunityText
Regional assessment report: Profiles and results from survey work at 63 sites across 17 Pacific Island Countries and TerritoriesPacific CommunityText
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Pacific Community
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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