Pacific Community
Our collection includes almost 100,000 records, containing books, periodicals, sound
recordings, videos, tapes, microfilms, CDs, CD-ROMs and digital documents. These are in English, French and many Pacific languages.
Showing 7768 items from Pacific Community
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La pêche des concombres de mer en Malaisie : vers une stratégie de conservationPacific CommunityText
Les dernières nouvelles du projet d'élevage de la moule verte au Samoa-OccidentalPacific CommunityText
Pacific Islands Marine Resources Information System (PIMRIS) : Part I, Marine resources information needs : Report and PIMRIS Budget ProposalPacific CommunityText
Live reef food fishery trial generates problems in VanuatuPacific CommunityText
The western and central Pacific tuna fishery: 2012 overview and status of stocksPacific CommunityText
Guide & Information sheets for fishing communities - Guide to information sheets on fisheries management for communitiesPacific CommunityText
Observations in situ de la reproduction sexuée de Stichopus chloronotus sur un récif frangeant de La Réunion (Océan indien)Pacific CommunityText
Preliminary assessment of the potential for post-larval fish capture and culture : Aitutaki, Cook Islands : May 2008Pacific CommunityText
Report on the South Pacific Commission Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project in Koror, Palau, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1 November 1979 - 31 January 1980)Pacific CommunityText
Shark catch in a pelagic longline fishery: comparison of cirlce and conventional tuna hooksPacific CommunityText
Vanuatu Aquaculture Development Plan 2008-2013Pacific CommunityText
Is international management of tuna necessary?Pacific CommunityText
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Pacific Community
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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The names, terms, and labels that we present on the site may contain images or voices of deceased persons and may also reflect the bias, norms, and perspective of the period of time in which they were created. We accept that these may not be appropriate today.
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