Pacific Community
Our collection includes almost 100,000 records, containing books, periodicals, sound
recordings, videos, tapes, microfilms, CDs, CD-ROMs and digital documents. These are in English, French and many Pacific languages.
Showing 7764 items from Pacific Community
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Review of vessel and gear attribute data held by SPC and FFAPacific CommunityText
Discovery and description of Stichopus herrmanni juvenile nursery sites on Heron Reef, Great Barrier ReefPacific CommunityText
Monitoring the Vulnerability and Adaptation of Coastal Fisheries to Climate Change - Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands - Assessment Report No. 2, July–August 2013Pacific CommunityText
The Live Reef Fish Trade in the Pacific: A look at recent trends and developmentsPacific CommunityText
Mise en valeur de la ressource en huîtres perlières dans le PacifiquePacific CommunityText
Dispositifs de concentration du poisson : l'expérience d'OkinawaPacific CommunityText
Improvement of women’s livelihoods, income and nutrition through Carp-SIS-Prawn polyculture in Terai, NepalPacific CommunityText
The development of small-scale fisheries for bottomfish in American Samoa (1961-1987) - Part 2Pacific CommunityText
Report on the South Pacific Commission lobster project in Solomon IslandsPacific CommunityText
Holothurian fishery in Washington (USA)Pacific CommunityText
The status of sea cucumber resources and fisheries management in FijiPacific CommunityText
Notes on a longline trip in the New Caledonia EEZ using TDRs in combination with remote sensing data (SSH and SST)Pacific CommunityText
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Pacific Community
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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