Northwestern University
The libraries' holdings include extensive backfiles of newspapers and periodicals, scientific documents, medieval manuscripts and the full text of every book, pamphlet or broadside published in the United States between 1639 and 1829.
Showing 42 items from Northwestern University
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Kwajalein Atoll Causeway project, Marshall Islands, USA permit application, discharge of fill material : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Proposed facilities development and relocation of navy activities to the Territory of Guam from the Republic of the Philippines : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Northern Guam watershed plan : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands, Clean up, rehabilitation, resettlement : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Noticias de las academias literarias, artísticas y científicas de los siglos XVII y XVIIINorthwestern UniversityText
Master plan for deep-draft wharf and fill improvements at Apra Harbor, Pitit, Guam : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Polynesia, or, An historical account of the principal islands in the South Sea, including New Zealand, the introduction of Christianity, and the actual condition of the inhabitants in regard to civilization, commerce, and the arts of social lifeNorthwestern UniversityText
Isley Field, Saipan International Airport development : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Garapan flood control drainage basin, detailed project report, Saipan : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Suspe-chalan Kanoa flood control study, Saipan : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Garapan flood control study, Saipan : environmental impact statementNorthwestern UniversityText
Evaluation of the Kalanianaole Highway carpool-bus lane : final report : prepared for Federal Highway Administration, Offices of Research and DevelopmentNorthwestern UniversityText
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Northwestern University
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