NGO Pasifika Renaissance
We endeavour to preserve and promote cultural and historical heritage in the Pacific Islands to support the revitalization of their cultural traditions and empower local communities.
Showing 1681 items from NGO Pasifika Renaissance
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History of Traditional Calendar Months, YapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
History of the Musgow Community Meeting House and its Intra-Relations with Milew and Likaychog, YapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
History on Local Dances, Faltarow and its Inter-Relations with Gachpar, Bugol and Anoth, Yap, 1999NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
History of Traditional Lifestyle v.s. Western Lifestyle, YapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
History on the Dances in Balebat, Rull and Traditional Attires, Yap, 1999NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
History of Traditional Occasions for Dances, 1999, YapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
Fanif Women's Bamboo Dance, Yap, 1982NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
Rull Women's Sitting Dance "Tangin e Gafgow", YapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
Women's Sitting Dance, Yap (2)NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
Women's Sitting Dance, Yap (1)NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
Ramung Women's Sitting Dance, Yap, 2006 (2)NGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
Rull Women's Sitting Dance, YapNGO Pasifika RenaissanceVideo Yap
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NGO Pasifika Renaissance
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