National Archives and Records Administration
We hold materials created by the United States Federal Government that have continuing value to the public. Our collections can be accessed in over 15 states in the USA, and consists of books, maps, photographs, filmstrips and sound recordings.
Showing 282 items from National Archives and Records Administration
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Photograph of Marines in New Caledonia - Chow CallNational Archives and Records AdministrationImage
Military Intelligence ServiceNational Archives and Records AdministrationImage
1950 Census Population Schedules - Guam - Asan County - ED 3-2BNational Archives and Records AdministrationText
1950 Census Population Schedules - Guam - Yona County - ED 15-2National Archives and Records AdministrationText
Photograph of Marines in New Caledonia - Horseback RidingNational Archives and Records AdministrationImage
1950 Census Population Schedules - American Samoa - Manua County - ED 1-5National Archives and Records AdministrationText
1950 Census Population Schedules - California - Humboldt County - ED 12-42National Archives and Records AdministrationText
1950 Census Population Schedules - American Samoa - Manua County - ED 1-1National Archives and Records AdministrationText
1950 Census Population Schedules - American Samoa - Eastern Tutuila County - ED 2-2ANational Archives and Records AdministrationText
1950 Census Population Schedules - American Samoa - Western Tutuila County - ED 3-3National Archives and Records AdministrationText
1950 Census Population Schedules - American Samoa - Western Tutuila County - ED 3-1ANational Archives and Records AdministrationText
1950 Census Population Schedules - California - Los Angeles County - ED 66-19National Archives and Records AdministrationText
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National Archives and Records Administration
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