Showing 35 items from Indiana University
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Die Marshall-insulander; leben und sitte, sinn und religion eines Südsee-volkesIndiana UniversityText Marshall Islands
Opening and penetration of foreign influence in Samoa to 1880Indiana UniversityText Samoa
Report on the geology of Woodlark IslandIndiana UniversityText Papua New Guinea
Südseemärchen aus Australien, Neu-Guinea, Fidji, Karolinen, Samoa, Tonga, Hawaii, Neu-Seeland u.aIndiana UniversityText
Wallis and Futuna IslandsIndiana UniversityText 'Uvea mo Futuna
The physical characters of the Cook islandersIndiana UniversityText Cook Islands
La déportation de 1871 : souvenirs d'un évadé de NouméaIndiana UniversityText New Caledonia
Community organizations and government bureaucracies in social forestryIndiana UniversityText
Adjudicated forms of pleading and practice, with annotations and correlative statutes, adapted to use generally in all code states and territories, and in particular to the following: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin and WyomingIndiana UniversityText Hawaiʻi
Matsuri : festivals of a Japanese townIndiana UniversityText
The islanderIndiana UniversityText
South sea loreIndiana UniversityText
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Indiana University
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