Huntington Library
The Huntington Library is one of the world’s great independent research libraries, with more than 11 million items spanning the 11th to the 21st century.
Showing 266 items from Huntington Library
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Oceanic Steamship Co.: Honolulu, New Zealand & AustraliaHuntington LibraryImage
Years in the sheaf: the autobiography of William Alfred Moody [microform] : 1959Huntington LibraryText
Oceanic Steamship Company: Hawaii, Samoa, New Zealand, Australia, TahitiHuntington LibraryImage
Charmian London and Jack LondonHuntington LibraryImage Samoa
Karte des Landes zwischen den Flüssen Sigago und Letoga : sowie der Ansiedelungen am Hafen von Apia insel Upolu Archipel der Samoan oder Navigator Inseln (Grosser Ocean) / vermessen von H.B. Sterndale Ex. Lieut. der ArtillerieHuntington LibraryImage Samoa
Dinner aboard S. S. MontereyHuntington LibraryImage
Tahiti and the MarquesasHuntington LibraryImage
Cook Islands NewsHuntington LibraryImage
The PolynesianHuntington LibraryImage
The Society IslandsHuntington LibraryImage
Passenger listHuntington LibraryImage
California coastal sailings San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego : LASSCO serviceHuntington LibraryImage
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Huntington Library
Welcome and warm Pasifik greetings
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