David Rumsey
The collection contains more than 150,000 maps focusing on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.
Showing 1225 items from David Rumsey
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(Advertisement - back liner). Atlanten im Verlag von Justus Perthus in Gotha.David RumseyImage
Australie & Oceanie.David RumseyImage
Polynesian Groups: Fiji Islands. Sandwich (Hawaii) Islands. Samoa or navigator Islands. (inset) County of Rutland. South Polar Regions. (insets) Kreguelen Island ; Victoria Land. (Published at the office of "The Times," London, 1900).David RumseyImage
Pacific Ocean, with a view of Australia and Polynesia, and the Indian Archipelago. By W.C. Woodbridge ... Entered ... 1831, by William C. Woodbridge ... Connecticut. (1837?)David RumseyImage
No.56. Polinezíjskíe ostrova. Izdanie i sobstven, A.F. Marks V. Peterburgi. Pechat. v kartogr. art. zav. A. F. Marksa. (to accompany) Bolshoi vsemirnyi nastolny atlas Marksa. Depechatka 1916 goda.David RumseyImage
A chart of the islands discover'd in the neighbourhood of Otaheite, in the course of several voyages round the world made by the cap(tai)ns Byron, Wallis, Carteret & Cooke in the years 1765, 1767, 1769. Whitchurch sculp., Pleasant Row, Islington. (London: printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell in the Strand, MDCCLXXIII).David RumseyImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
Karte Von Dem Koenigreiche Daenemark. Nach den neuesten Beobachtungen. Neu verzeichnet herausgegeben von Franz Joh. Ios. von Reilly. Zu finden im von Reilly'schen Landkarten und Kunstwerke Verschleiss Komptoir. Wien, 1796. Gestochen von F. Muller. (to accompany) Grosser Deutscher Atlas.David RumseyImage
Iles St. Pierre et Miquelon. Iles Marquises. Guyane. Iles Ste. Marie, Nossi-be, Nossi-cumba, Nossi-fali.David RumseyImage Marquesas / Te Henua Enana
No. LXII. Stieler's Hand-Atlas (No. 50a). Australien und Polynesien in Mercators Projection.David RumseyImage
A New Chart of The Pacific Ocean, Exhibiting The Western Coast of America, From Cape Horn To Beerings Strait, The Eastern Shores of Asia Including Japan, China and Australia, and all the numerous Islands and known Dangers Situated in Polynesia and Australasia, Correctly Drawn And Regulated according to the most Approved and Modern Surveys and Astronomical Observations By J.W. Norie, Hydrographer, &c.&c. Additions 1836. Stephenson, Engraver. London. Published ... October 1st 1825, by J.W. Norie & Co. (with) seven inset maps listed in Notes. (Northern Sheet)David RumseyImage
Colton's Hawaiian Group or Sandwich Islands. New Zealand. Viti Group or Feejee (Fiji) Islands. Tonga or Friendly Is., Samoan or Navigators Is. Society Islands. Marquesas or Washington Is. Galapagos Islands. Surveyed by the U. S. Exploring Expedition, 1839-1841. Published By G. W & C. B. Colton & Co., No. 182 William St. New York.David RumseyImage Fiji Hawaiʻi Marquesas / Te Henua Enana Samoa
(Text Page) Oceanica - Polynesia (continued).David RumseyImage
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David Rumsey
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