David Rumsey
The collection contains more than 150,000 maps focusing on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.
Showing 1225 items from David Rumsey
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Three views of the Admiralty Isles. (with 6 other coastal views of Joseph Freewills Islands, Current Island, St. Andrews Islands, bay at south end of Mindanao). Publish'd Novr. 1st, 1772. (London: printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell in the Strand, MDCCLXXIII).David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
Nr. 27. Schutzgebiet des Neu-Guinea Kompanie in 6 Blaettern, Blatt 4. (Reserve of the New Guinea Company in 6 sheets, Sheet 4.)David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
Qantas world routes. Anna Drew. Posters PTY. Ltd. Sydney. Litho in Australia.David RumseyImage
Cuito -- Digul.David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
(Text Page to) Isolario del P. Coronelli. (with) Het Niew Hollandt. (to accompany) Isolario descrittione geografico-historica, sacro-profana, antico-moderna ... e in supplimento dei XIV volumi del Bleau. Tomo II dell' Atlante veneto. Opera, e Studio del P. Maestro Vincenzo Coronelli ... A Spese dell Auttore MDCLXXXXVI (1696).David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
Qantas world routes. Anna Drew. Posters PTY. Ltd. Sydney. Litho in Australia.David RumseyImage
New Guinea. Philippine Islands. Tasmania. North Borneo, Brunei & Sarawak.David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
Land of the Setting Sun. Prepared and Distributed by the Army Orientation Course. Morale Services Division, Army Service Forces, War Dept.,2E581 Pentagon Bldg., Washington D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office: 1943 - 538110. Eastern Front. Southwest New Britain. Netherlands Indies.David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
World News of the Week : Monday, Sept. 6, 1943. Covering period Aug. 27 to Sept. 2. Volume 6, No. 1. Published and copyrighted (weekly), 1943, by News Map of the Week, Inc., 1512 Orleans Street, Chicago, Illinois. Published in two sections : Section one. Lithographed in U. S. A.David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
Indonesia, Filippine, Nuova Guinea. (insets) Djakarta; Surbaja; Is. Paracel; Giava (Java); Manila; Nuova Guinea, Papua.David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
Nr. 26. Schutzgebiet des Neu-Guinea Kompanie in 6 Blaettern, Blatt 3. (Reserve of the New Guinea Company in 6 sheets, Sheet 3.)David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
Nr. 24. Schutzgebiet des Neu-Guinea Kompanie in 6 Blaettern, Blatt 1. (Reserve of the New Guinea Company in 6 sheets, Sheet 1.)David RumseyImage Papua New Guinea
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David Rumsey
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