David Rumsey
The collection contains more than 150,000 maps focusing on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.
Showing 1225 items from David Rumsey
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Puerto de Sta. Barbara de Samaná.David RumseyImage
XX. lnterieur de la maison de I'Inca, au Canar, 114.David RumseyImage
Plano de la Isla de Arenas y su fondeadero por el Capitan de Navio D. Ciriaco de Cevallos (2).David RumseyImage
Ensenada de Barcelona.David RumseyImage
(Contents to) Parte primera : Puertos de las Islas Antillas.David RumseyImage
Department Of The Interior, General Land Office, Fred Dennett, Commissioner. United States Including Territories and Insular Possessions Showing the Extent of Public Surveys. Indian, Military And Forest Reservations, Railroads, Canals, National Parks And Other Details. Compiled Under The Direction Of L.P. Berthrong, Chief Of Drafting Division. 1913. M. Hendges, Draughtsman. The Sackett & Wilhelms Co.: New York. Engraved By R.F. Bartle & Co. Washington, D.C. (with) twelve inset maps listed in Notes.David RumseyImage
Pto. de Turiamo.David RumseyImage
LVI. Fragmens de peintmes hieroglyphiques tires du Codex Telleriano-Remensis, 279.David RumseyImage
Plano del Pto. y Ciudad de Porto-Velo...David RumseyImage
Plano del Puerto de Pasages ... Levantado por el Brigadier de la Rl. Armada D. Vicente Tofino de S. Miguel. Ano 1788. (to accompany) Atlas maritimo de Espana : Madrid MDCCLXXXIX (1789).David RumseyImage
Puerto de Matanzas.David RumseyImage
Carta esferica desde Punta de Europa a Cabo de Gata en la Costa de Europa y desde Centa hasta Cabo Hone en la de Africa ... Construida por el Brigadier de la Rl. Armada D. Vicente Tofino de S. Miguel. Ano 1786. F. Selma lo grabo. (to accompany) Atlas maritimo de Espana : Madrid MDCCLXXXIX (1789).David RumseyImage
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David Rumsey
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