David Rumsey
The collection contains more than 150,000 maps focusing on rare 16th through 21st century maps of North and South America, as well as maps of the World, Asia, Africa, Europe, and Oceania.
Showing 1388 items from David Rumsey
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Nr. 81. Suedsee-Inseln ... von Dr. H. Haack. Neu Seeland. Neu-Guinea. Tasmania. Tahiti. Hawaii Inseln.David RumseyImage
Australien.David RumseyImage
No. LXII. Stieler's Hand-Atlas (No. 50). Australien nach Krusenstern u.A. in Mercators Projection.David RumseyImage
Matavia (i.e. Matavai) Bay in Otaheite. Owharre Harbour in Huaheine. Ohamaneno Harbour in Ulietea. Oopoa Harbour in Ulietea. J. Cheevers sculp. (London: printed for W. Strahan; and T. Cadell in the Strand, MDCCLXXIII).David RumseyImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
(Text page to) Etablissements Francais de l'Oceanie. Edite par les Laboratories Neutroses-Vichy. Petit Jean Imp. Paris.David RumseyImage
(Covers to) Grosser Deutscher Atlas. Erfunden von Franz Joh. Jos. von Reilly. Gezeichnet von Vinzenz Georg Kininger. Gestochen von Karl Schutz.David RumseyImage
Polynesia, Or Islands In The Pacific Ocean. The Illustrations by H. Winkles & Engraved by T. Wrightson. The Map Drawn & Engraved by J. Rapkin.David RumseyImage
O-Hedidee. Drawn from nature by W. Hodges. Engrav'd by J. Caldwall. No. XXXV. Published Feby. 1st, 1777 by Wm. Strahan in New Street, Shoe Lane & Thos. Cadell in the Strand, London.David RumseyImage
Karte von Asien. Nach d'Anville. Neu verzeichnet herausgegeben von Franz Joh. Jos. von Reilly. Zu finden im von Reilly'schen Landkarten und Kunstwerke Verschleiss Komptoir. Wien, 1795. Gestochen von A. Amon. (inset) Theil von Nord Amerika. (to accompany) Grosser Deutscher Atlas.David RumseyImage
Ocean Pacifique : Tahiti et Moorea. Apres les leves des monsieurs Gaussin, de Bovis, Kulczycki, Pierre, et Cornut-Gentille. Paris 1876. Ecrit par Er. Dumas Vorzet; grave par Blondeau. Corr. 1958-0641 ... 1968-3432.David RumseyImage Society Islands / Tōtaiete mā
88. Australien - Polynesien. (inset) Neu-Kaledonien. Tongatabu-Gruppe. Tuamoto & Tahiti. Marquesas.David RumseyImage
A New Chart of The Pacific Ocean, Exhibiting The Western Coast of America, From Cape Horn To Beerings Strait, The Eastern Shores of Asia Including Japan, China and Australia, and all the numerous Islands and known Dangers Situated in Polynesia and Australasia, Correctly Drawn And Regulated according to the most Approved and Modern Surveys and Astronomical Observations By J.W. Norie, Hydrographer, &c.&c. Additions 1836. Stephenson, Engraver. London. Published ... October 1st 1825, by J.W. Norie & Co. (with) seven inset maps listed in Notes. (Southern Sheet)David RumseyImage
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David Rumsey
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