Cornell University
Showing 70 items from Cornell University
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Labor market indicators, 1970-1976Cornell UniversityText
A preliminary compilation of Fijian animal namesCornell UniversityText Fiji
Hawaiian annexation scheme, a sugar trust plot, exposed by General SchofieldCornell UniversityText Hawaiʻi
Some pertinent facts and statistics pertaining to the taxation laws and finances of the territory of HawaiiCornell UniversityText
Bulletin no.1Cornell UniversityText
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary : final environmental impact statement, management planCornell UniversityText Hawaiʻi
A reconnaissance of the game birds in HawaiiCornell UniversityText
Achievement report, July 1976-June 1979Cornell UniversityText
Laboratory data and descriptions of soils of the Benchmark Soils ProjectCornell UniversityText
The Landrum-Griffin Act : some problems of its administrationCornell UniversityText
Stationed to serve Better living through agricultural researchCornell UniversityText
Hawaii diet manualCornell UniversityText Hawaiʻi
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Cornell University
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