Showing 60 items from Columbia University
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The work of God in Micronesia, 1852-1889 : an historical sketchColumbia UniversityText
Micronesian mission : a condensed sketch, 1852-1907Columbia UniversityText
Micronesian mission : a condensed sketch, 1852-1887Columbia UniversityText
Story of the Morning Star : the children's missionary vesselColumbia UniversityText
Les Incas, ou La destruction de l'empire du PérouColumbia UniversityText
Memorias para la Historia de Don Felipe III, rey de EspañaColumbia UniversityText
Memorias para la historia de la revolucion española : con documentos justificativosColumbia UniversityText
El palau de la diputacio general de CatalunyColumbia UniversityText
Guam, operations of the 77th division (21 July-10 August, 1944)...Columbia UniversityText Guam
The lucky idiot; or, Fools have furtune. : Verified in the life of D. Pedro de Cenudo, whose follies had generally a prosperous event but when he pretended to be wise was usually unfortunate. Improv'd with variety of moral remarks, and diverting amusements.Columbia UniversityText
Civil affairs handbook [electronic resource] : administrative organization and personnel of the Japanese mandated islandsColumbia UniversityText Marshall Islands
1982 census of agriculture Volume 1, Geographic area series Part 53, GuamColumbia UniversityText Guam
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Columbia University
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