Boston Public Library
Boston Public Library holds more than 23 million items, estimated to be among the three largest collections in the country, including books, maps, manuscripts, letters, drawings, and other original works dating back as early as the 10th century.
Showing 353 items from Boston Public Library
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Relacion de las fiestas, qve el Real Convento de San Augustin de la ciudad de Cordoba, a celebrado a la canoniçacion de Santo Thomas de Villanueba, prouincial que fue desta prouincia, Arçobispo de ValenciaBoston Public LibraryImage
1963 census of business, V.5Boston Public LibraryImage
Obras posthumas lyricas humanas de D. Joseph Perez de Montoro ..., v.2Boston Public LibraryImage
1963 census of business, V. 6Boston Public LibraryImage
Harbour of Muthuata, north side of Vanua Levu ; Tibethe & Vicuna Harbours on the north side of Vanua LevuBoston Public LibraryImage Fiji
M'Bua or Sandalwood Bay, island of Vanua Levu, Feejee GroupBoston Public LibraryImage Fiji
Pacific Ocean, Sandwich Islands, south coast of Oahu, Honolulu Harbor from surveys by British and United States officers to 1888Boston Public LibraryImage
Cancionero general : qve contiene mvchas obras de diuersos autores antiguos, con algunas cosas nueuas de modernos, de nueuo corregido y impressoBoston Public LibraryImage
Varias noticias importantes a la hvmana comvnicacionBoston Public LibraryImage
De Moluccis insulis, itemq[ue] alijs pluribus mira[n]dis, quae nouissima Castellanorum nauigatio sereniss. imperatoris Caroli. V. auspicio suscepta, nuper inuenitBoston Public LibraryImage
[Collected works], v. 3Boston Public LibraryImage
Samoan white-collar crime : hearing before the Subcommittee on Native American and Insular Affairs of the Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourth Congress, first session, on the Department of Justice report on American Samoa white-collar crime assessment which highlights some serious problems and suggests possible resolutions, August 3, 1995--Washington, DCBoston Public LibraryImage
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Boston Public Library
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